
Establish The Habit

If you want your children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews or other young people to be a sensitive caring person when they grow up to be an adult, this June 25th radio show with provide you with some guidelines on how to establish the caregiving habit.

Tornadoes. Floods. Fires.

God tells us to "Be a Light." Sometimes that means going to a mission field in a developing country. More often your mission field is right across the street or in the community where you live. Every year there are approximately 397,000 house fires. Listen this week...

Writing Notes

Writing Notes

One of the  mainstays of my personal ministry is writing notes to those who need care. As author Debbie Macomber writes in her book, One Simple Act: Discovering the Power of Generosity, "Nothing replaces the note of encouragement, of comfort, or of condolence. Letters...

Why Did This Happen to My Baby?

Why Did This Happen to My Baby?

Story by Sara, as told to Karen Mulder My Baby Was Born with a Birth Defect Andrew Michael Briggs was born six weeks early weighing 4 pounds 15 ounces.  As do most "expecting" parents, we had anticipated a healthy baby.  We never thought about the possibility of our...